There Once was Summer....

There Once was Summer....

"From a work perspective those hazy summer days aren't very productive though. Although the 'green gown of summer' can occasionally produce some outstanding images, it is not the norm. i tend to go looking for closer work that can still be placed in my favourite location such as flowers on the fells above Wast Water.

In Full Swing

In Full Swing

"The people I know will always be respectful but if you see someone who doesn't understand the code, I am sure that you will take the appropriate course of action. A gentle word can go a long way. It can also get you an ear bashing from those that are sadly ignorant but I am sure that most will take heed and comply."

Into Autumn

Into Autumn

"The fells have attracted lots of new visitors and whilst that is good, it has also brought with it the downside, namely carelessly abandoned rubbish. I find it incredible that people will visit such beautiful places yet leave litter. Doesn't take much to put in a bag and take home does it...."